10 Maple Trees That Will Flourish in Colorado

Imagine a landscape awash with brilliant hues—crimson reds, fiery oranges, and golden yellows—every fall.

Maple trees, renowned for their dramatic color displays, aren’t just the pride of the Northeast; they have a cherished place in Colorado’s diverse ecology too.

But what makes some maple species thrive in the Centennial State’s unique environment, while others merely survive?

If you’re a homeowner dreaming of that perfect autumnal canopy or a gardener wanting to diversify your green haven, understanding the mysteries of these magnificent trees in the context of Colorado is essential.

Dive into a journey that will not only introduce you to maples that flourish in Colorado’s challenging climates but also guide you on how to ensure they become the dazzling centrepieces of your garden for years to come.

From choosing the right species to mastering the art of care and maintenance, let’s embark on a leafy adventure together!


The Centennial State’s Unique Climate:

  • Altitude: Colorado’s average elevation is over 6,800 feet, influencing temperature and humidity.
  • Precipitation: Varies from semi-arid in the plains to snowy alpine in the Rockies.
  • Temperature Range: Colorado experiences a wide temperature range due to its varied topography.
Climate Factor Impact on Tree Growth
Altitude Higher UV exposure can impact photosynthesis and stress certain tree species.
Precipitation Trees in drier regions may need additional watering, especially during drought conditions.
Temperature Range Extreme cold or heat can limit tree species that can thrive. Frost and late spring snow can damage budding trees.

“Colorado’s diverse climate offers a unique challenge for arborists and gardeners. Understanding this landscape is crucial for successful tree planting.”

Why Maple Trees?

  • They’re hardy and can handle the cold winters and varying altitudes.
  • Maples are known for their vibrant fall colors, making them a picturesque choice for Colorado landscapes.
  • Many maple species are drought-resistant, aligning well with some of Colorado’s drier regions.

Importance of Choosing the Right Maple Tree for Colorado

Unique Challenges of the Colorado Landscape: The soil in Colorado can range from sandy to clayey, often leaning towards the alkaline side. This factor, combined with the state’s varied altitude, plays a crucial role in the oxygen availability and temperature variations that can stress trees. Given Colorado’s cold winters and variable temperatures, the selected trees need to be particularly resilient to thrive.

“Selecting the right tree isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about ensuring a harmonious match between the tree and its environment.”

The Advantages of Native and Adaptive Species: While native species have evolved in Colorado and are naturally acclimated to its conditions, adaptive species, though not indigenous, possess traits that allow them to flourish in the state’s unique environment. Emphasizing the importance of the right tree choice:

  • Both native and adaptive trees often require less maintenance and water.
  • They are more resistant to local pests and diseases.

10 Maple Trees For Colorado

Maple Tree Name Suitability for Colorado Ease of Growing Brief Description
Acer grandidentatum (Bigtooth Maple) ★★★★★ ★★★★☆ Drought-tolerant, withstands colder temperatures, suitable for varied soil types. Fiery oranges to deep reds in autumn.
Acer glabrum (Rocky Mountain Maple) ★★★★★ ★★★☆☆ Native to Colorado, resilient to local challenges. Three-lobed leaves turning yellow or red in fall.
Acer negundo (Boxelder) ★★★★☆ ★★☆☆☆ Fast-growing, thrives best in well-drained soils. Requires ample water in drier regions and regular pruning.
Acer tataricum (Tatarian Maple) ★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆ Drought-resistant. Plant in well-drained soil with full to partial sunlight.
Acer ginnala (Amur Maple) ★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆ Compact size suitable for urban spaces. Withstands cold Colorado winters.
Acer platanoides ‘Deborah’ (Deborah Norway Maple) ★★★☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ Stunning seasonal colors. Ensure it doesn’t overshadow native species.
Acer truncatum x A. platanoides ‘Warrenred’ (Pacific Sunset Maple) ★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆ Thrives in sun and shade mix. Requires consistent moisture in early years.
Acer rubrum ‘Autumn Flame’ (Autumn Flame Red Maple) ★★★☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ Fiery red hues in fall. Requires regular watering, mulching, and protection from winds.
Acer campestre (Hedge Maple) ★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆ Adaptable and resilient. Best in full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil.
Acer saccharum ‘Green Mountain’ (Green Mountain Sugar Maple) ★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆ Drought-resistant once established. Plant in sun and shade mix. Resistant to pests and diseases.

Suitability for Colorado:

  • ★★★★★: Highly suitable, either native or extremely adaptive.
  • ★★★★☆: Suitable with some considerations.
  • ★★★☆☆: Suitable but requires attention or might have some issues.

Ease of Growing:

  • ★★★★☆: Fairly easy to grow with regular maintenance.
  • ★★★☆☆: Requires some attention to grow well.
  • ★★☆☆☆: Requires extra care and attention for optimal growth.

Incorporating maple trees in Colorado landscapes can add vibrant colors and offer shade. They’re a notable choice due to their adaptability, but understanding their unique needs and potential challenges in the Colorado environment is crucial. Proper care and knowledge can ensure these maples thrive, beautifying the landscape for years to come.

1. Acer grandidentatum (Bigtooth Maple)

The Bigtooth Maple, also known as Acer grandidentatum, is an impressive specimen. Notably, it possesses broad, serrated leaves that can paint landscapes with its brilliant autumn colors, ranging from fiery oranges to deep reds.

Why it’s suitable for Colorado: The Bigtooth Maple is a drought-tolerant tree, making it an excellent choice for the varied climates of Colorado. Its ability to withstand colder temperatures and flourish in a range of soil types further cements its suitability for the region.

2. Acer glabrum (Rocky Mountain Maple)

The Rocky Mountain Maple, or Acer glabrum, holds a special place in the heart of Colorado. This tree is native to the region, automatically giving it an edge when it comes to survival and adaptability.

Growth habits and appearance: This maple tends to be more shrubby and smaller in stature, often found in mountainous areas. Its leaves are three-lobed, turning a lovely shade of yellow or red in the fall. Its native status ensures its resilience against many of the common challenges posed by the Colorado climate.

3. Acer negundo (Boxelder)

The Boxelder, scientifically named Acer negundo, is a fast-growing tree recognized by its pinnately compound leaves. It’s often seen along riverbanks or in wet regions, making it different from most maple species.

Tips for best growth results in Colorado: While Boxelder can tolerate a variety of soil conditions, it thrives best in well-drained soils. Regular pruning can help manage its rapid growth and maintain its shape. Additionally, providing it with ample water, especially in drier regions of Colorado, will ensure its health and longevity.

4. Acer tataricum (Tatarian Maple)

The Tatarian Maple is admired for its resilience against drought conditions, making it an ideal choice for areas of Colorado with less rainfall.

Recommendations for planting and care: For optimal growth, plant this maple in well-drained soil and ensure it receives full to partial sunlight. While it has a reputation for drought resistance, regular watering during the first year will establish its root system, ensuring a healthier tree.

5. Acer ginnala (Amur Maple)

The compact size of the Amur Maple makes it perfect for urban spaces or smaller landscapes in Colorado. Its beautiful foliage provides a breathtaking autumnal display.

Colorado winters: The Amur Maple is robust enough to withstand the cold temperatures, showcasing its hardiness through each season.

6. Acer platanoides ‘Deborah’ (Deborah Norway Maple)

Renowned for its stunning seasonal color changes, the Deborah Norway Maple captivates with shades ranging from deep green in summer to rich burgundy in autumn.

Pros and cons in Colorado: While it offers an impressive visual display, care must be taken to ensure it doesn’t overshadow native species. Its robust growth can sometimes compete with local flora.

7. Acer truncatum x A. platanoides ‘Warrenred’ (Pacific Sunset Maple)

The Pacific Sunset Maple stands out with its unique blend of orange and red fall colors, along with its smooth, sleek bark.

Growth tips for Colorado: This tree thrives in a mix of sun and shade. Ensuring consistent moisture, especially in its early years, will promote a stronger tree. Its moderate size also makes it suitable for various landscape designs.

8. Acer rubrum ‘Autumn Flame’ (Autumn Flame Red Maple)

As the name suggests, the Autumn Flame Red Maple dazzles with fiery red hues in the fall, making it a seasonal favorite.

Ensuring healthy growth: Regular watering, mulching, and protection from strong winds will help this maple thrive in the Colorado climate.

9. Acer campestre (Hedge Maple)

The Hedge Maple is valued for its adaptability and sturdiness, proving resilient in various soil types and weather conditions.

Planting recommendations: Locations with full sun to partial shade are ideal. While it’s tolerant of many soil types, well-drained soil is preferable.

10. Acer saccharum ‘Green Mountain’ (Green Mountain Sugar Maple)

The Green Mountain Sugar Maple is not just a treat for the eyes with its radiant fall colors, but it also boasts impressive drought resistance once established.

Planting and care guidelines: While adaptable, this maple benefits from being planted in a mix of sun and shade, and consistent moisture is key during its formative years. Its natural resistance to pests and diseases also makes it a relatively low-maintenance choice for Colorado landscapes.

Maintenance and Care Tips for Maple Trees in Colorado

Colorado’s distinct climate and geography offer a unique set of challenges for gardeners and arborists. Despite their hardiness, even maple trees need specific care in this environment. Following tailored maintenance practices can ensure that these trees don’t just survive, but they thrive and bring beauty to the landscape for years to come.

Watering and Mulching Best Practices

Watering is essential, especially during a tree’s formative years. Young maple trees benefit from deep watering, allowing the moisture to penetrate the soil and reach their developing roots. Once established, maples in Colorado might require less frequent watering due to their adaptability, but during dry spells, additional watering is crucial.

Mulching can be a game-changer for maples. Applying a layer of organic mulch around the tree (avoiding direct contact with the trunk) helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Mulch acts as a protective barrier, especially during Colorado’s harsh winters, keeping the tree’s roots insulated.

Seasonal Pruning Advice

While maple trees are relatively low-maintenance when it comes to pruning, some seasonal care can promote their health. Late winter or early spring, before the sap starts to flow, is an ideal time. This helps remove any damaged or diseased branches, allowing for new growth in the upcoming warmer months. Avoid heavy pruning in the fall as this is when the tree is storing energy for the dormant period.

Dealing with Potential Pests and Diseases

Like any tree, maples are susceptible to pests and diseases. Common issues in Colorado include aphids, leafhoppers, and the occasional powdery mildew. Regularly inspecting the tree’s leaves, bark, and branches can help detect early signs of infestation or disease.

For minor infestations, natural predators like ladybugs can help control aphid populations. If a tree shows signs of disease or significant pest issues, consulting with a local arborist or nursery can provide guidance on treatments suitable for the Colorado environment.


Maple trees are a splendid addition to the Colorado landscape, offering vibrant colors and shade. Their adaptability makes them a favored choice, but understanding their needs and the challenges of the Colorado environment is paramount. With the right knowledge and care, these trees can become a lasting testament to nature’s beauty and resilience. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, taking the time to nurture these trees will ensure they remain a cherished part of the landscape for generations to come.